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Tuesday, 19 February 2019

How To Increase Oxygen Levels In The Brain

How To Increase Oxygen Levels In The Brain


1. Is UNIKO₂ a medicine?
No, UNIKO₂ is not a medicine, and there is no medical statement made for the treatment, prevention, cure or mitigation of diseases. Therefore, there is no published clinical evidence, as in the case of medicine. With medicine, there is a relationship of cause and effect, so that medicine “A” will produce effect “B” and the clinical trial can prove it. Because UNIKO₂ is a nutritional supplement, it works where is necessary. Therefore, since each person is unique, we can’t prove that UNIKO₂ does something specific. We can, however tell people about the experience of other people, and there are many testimonies.

2 . How long is the shelf life?
Recent test on samples manufactured 25 years ago have shown improvement in its potency. So its Indefinite.

3 . How is UNIKO₂ absorbed in the body?
The nutrients in UNIKO₂ are in an ionic/colloidal form. The colloidal particles are tiny (4-7 nanometers in diameter) and, due to the Brownian motion phenomenon, they take a negative (ionic) charge and remain suspended in the liquid. Since most body fluids are colloidal and negatively charged, the body perceives Uniko as a normal, healthy body fluid. This allows nutrients to pass immediately through the sensitive membranes of the oral cavity, throat and esophagus directly into the bloodstream.

4 . How does it work?
UNIKO₂ allows nascent oxygen and hydrogen to be generated by the dissociation of the water molecules in the body. In biochemical terms a simple newborn atom of oxygen is negatively charged (0-), free radicals (which many biochemists believe are the main cause of the aging process and degenerative diseases) contain positively charged oxygen atoms (0+). The nascent oxygenation (0-) is bonded to form a pure oxygen(O2+) at the cellular level where it is required.

5 . How UNIKO₂ differs from other Oxygen products?
Many other Oxygen products tend to flood the body with Oxygen, often creating dangerous Oxygen-free radicals. The release of these oxygen reactive result in an oxidative injury.

6 . How do I take UNIKO₂?
UNIKO₂ is a concentrated liquid, which is taken orally by mixing a number of drops (see the individual labels for instructions) in purified water. If you use top water, UNIKO₂ begins to purify the water and the benefit you receive from UNIKO₂ is reduced. UNIKO₂ has a slightly bitter lemon flavor which most people enjoy taking with water or their favorite’s juice.

7 . Can I overdose with UNIKO₂?
No, UNIKO₂ is a nutritional supplement made of natural substances. The body only uses what it needs and eliminates the rest through the normal elimination channels.

How To Increase Oxygen In Blood With Food

How To Increase Oxygen In Blood With Food

After seeing what Uniko was capable of in people of varying ages and illnesses, it became our mission to bring a truly exceptional product into the hands of those who need it most. We believe everybody deserves a chance to live a long healthy life, and we are committed to offering Uniko under the company of Life O at an affordable price to our costumers. Though Uniko has been around for more than 20 years, Uniko Plus and Unistem were added in 2008 and were designed to work together in unison. Uniko itself is not directly healing the disease since the body has been beautifully designed to do that itself.

As a supplement, it simply provides the body with the essential building elements required to perform the normal functions necessary to achieve optimum health. Uniko works in a natural way by normalizing and balancing the organism.

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Monday, 18 February 2019

Increase Oxygen In Blood Pills

Increase Oxygen In Blood Pills

UNIKO Plus Is the safest and most effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic supplement completely natural. Many people suffer from muscle aches, migraines, arthritic pain, rheumatism etc. That’s why UNIKO has designed this formulation base on the dibase/dipolar technology of UNIKO PLUS with the addiction of OMEGA 3 GLUCOSAMINE AND DHEA which is known as the hormone of “health and youth”.
Studies have shown that DHEA helps fight some problems of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, some types of cancer and disorders of the immune system. DHEA is an essential component of remarkable importance in our hormonal and immune system, it is the “raw material” for the generation of other hormones that regulate our general psychological, physical and sexual well-being.

We do not offer any returns for purchase made, unless is that result of our error (damage, defective or incorrect, etc.) You must return the item to us within 20 days of receipt of purchase. We’ll sent another one along with the return postage fee.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

How To Increase Oxygen Levels While Sleeping

How To Increase Oxygen Levels While Sleeping

UNIKO₂ Helps increase the level of oxygen in the body. It is an incredible source of oxygen and minerals that go directly to the body cells. As a result, the water molecule is dissociated and oxygen is released. In this way, the cells are directly nourished by a constant flow of essential elements for life. UNIKO₂ is “high nutritional technology” in a liquid state, which incorporates our Dibase/Dipolar formula, and is the last source of life that provides oxygen. Due to its liquid, ionic, colloidal state, it reaches every cell of the human body in the most effective way that exists on the market, restoring the balance of our body and fortifying or immune system.

*Stimulates the immune system. . *
Normalizes the circulation and regulates hypertension. *In diabetes by promoting the synthesis of the elastase inhibitor by the pancreas. *In diseases of the arteries by strengthening the blood vessels. *Dilates the aging process of tissues. .*Increases mobility, reducing pain in osteoarthritis, and conditions of sclerosis. *Embellishes the hair giving it shine, elasticity and strength. “Recent studies have shown that the main cause of cancer could be the replacement of normal oxygen respiration in the cells by anaerobic respiration (lack of oxygen)”.

We do not offer any returns for purchase made, unless is that result of our error (damage, defective or incorrect, etc.) You must return the item to us within 20 days of receipt of purchase. We’ll sent another one along with the return postage fee.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cur

Foods To Increase Oxygen In Blood

Foods To Increase Oxygen In Blood

UNIKO₂ helps increase the level of oxygen in the body. It is an incredible source of oxygen and minerals that go directly to the body cells. As a result, the water molecule is dissociated and oxygen is released. In this way, the cells are directly nourished by a constant flow of essential elements for life.

UNISTEM is a cutting-edge product, of the latest category, formulated with ingredients that support the body’s natural renewal system by promoting the release of stem cells derived from bone marrow and considered reinforces of already existing (adult) stem cells.

UNIKO₂ helps increase the level of oxygen in the body. It is an incredible source of oxygen and minerals that go directly to the body cells. As a result, the water molecule is dissociated and oxygen is released. In this way, the cells are directly nourished by a constant flow of essential elements for life. UNIKO is “high nutritional technology” in a liquid state, which incorporates our Dibase/Dipolar formula, and is the last source of life that provides oxygen. Due to its liquid, ionic, colloidal state, it reaches every cell of the human body in the most effective way that exists on the market, restoring the balance of our body and fortifying or immune system.

UNISTEM is a cutting-edge product, of the latest category, formulated with ingredients that support the body’s natural renewal system by promoting the release of stem cells derived from bone marrow and considered reinforces of already existing (adult) stem cells. The stem cells derived from the bone marrow are found throughout the body and support the function and renewal of organs and tissues. As you get older, the number and the quantity of stem cells circulating in the body diminish little by little leaving it more susceptible to damage causing many health issues related to age.

We do not offer any returns for purchase made, unless is that result of our error (damage, defective or incorrect, etc.) You must return the item to us within 20 days of receipt of purchase. We’ll sent another one along with the return postage fee.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

How to increase oxygen saturation levels

How to increase oxygen saturation levels

UNIKO₂ helps increase the level of oxygen in the body. UNIKO₂ PLUS Is the safest and most effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic supplement completely natural. UNISTEM is a cutting-edge product, of the latest category, formulated with ingredients that support the body’s natural renewal system by promoting the release of stem cells derived from bone marrow and considered reinforces of already existing (adult) stem cells.

UNIKO₂ helps increase the level of oxygen in the body. It is an incredible source of oxygen and minerals that go directly to the body cells. As a result, the water molecule is dissociated and oxygen is released. In this way, the cells are directly nourished by a constant flow of essential elements for life. UNIKO is “high nutritional technology” in a liquid state, which incorporates our Dibase/Dipolar formula, and is the last source of life that provides oxygen. Due to its liquid, ionic, colloidal state, it reaches every cell of the human body in the most effective way that exists on the market, restoring the balance of our body and fortifying or immune system.

how to increase oxygen in blood with supplements

How to increase oxygen in blood with supplements

In this article, we first look at the heart and some of the most common ailments and then look at some very positive things we can do to cultivate the health of our hearts. Heart failure causes fatigue when the heart is called upon to supply more blood and oxygen than it can pump. The result is that ordinary physical activity, such as physical exercise, climbing stairs or even walking becomes more difficult. For some people, this limits their activity and makes them painful, which only worsens their condition. In the common state called Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), the heart becomes so weak that fluid can accumulate in the legs, abdomen, and lungs, resulting in illness. more serious and maybe death. The prevention and treatment of heart failure can have a significant impact on the quality of life and physical activity of a person. Lifestyle choices in diet and exercise can both prevent and help treat heart failure. Diets should contain many plant foods, especially those high in potassium, such as avocados, bananas, coconut water, white beans, carrots, leafy gums black and squash. saturated fats, hydrogenated oils and oxidized frying oils (golden). Increasing consumption of omega-3 oils in fish and flax seeds can improve heart health. You must also avoid processed foods, refined sugar, and excess salt. The most important thing is not to know how fast you are or not, but to get your heart rate in your target area regularly for at least 20 minutes. It has been shown that fifty minutes of exercise at a heart rate of between 55 and 65% of the maximum heart rate, five days a week, reduces the risk of death. ¨s by a heart attack. It has been shown that nutritional supplements help prevent and treat heart failure. They can improve the level of physical activity and overall energy. This is done by increasing the level of the ATP molecule - the energy on which our heart cells work - so that it can beat faster and pump better. ATP, composed of sugar, is what every cell in our body uses as a source of energy. When heart cells are damaged or aged, they produce less ATP, so that the heart beats more weakly. These supplements are useful for anyone who is training or trying to improve their cardiovascular fitness. They can help you reach your goals faster and feel better after training. For some people, please take it only under the care of a qualified health practitioner.) UNISTEM: UNISTEM is a nutrient essential for the production of ATP in our body. It has been proven that taking UNISTEM improves the heart's ability to pump blood, to lower blood pressure

is a cutting-edge product, of the latest category, formulated with ingredients that support the body’s natural renewal system.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Main Source Of Oxygen

Main Source Of Oxygen

The hydrosphere (the combined mass of water found on, under and on the Earth's surface) and the lithosphere / the earthly crust. The main factor determining the oxygen cycle is photosynthesis, which is responsible for the atmosphere of the modern Earth and for life on Earth in its present form (see Grand Évève). oxygenation). The largest oxygen reservoir of the Earth is by far the silicate and mineral oxides of the crust and mantle (99.5% by weight). The Earth's atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere together account for less than 0.05% of the Earth's total mass. Oxygen is one of the most abundant elements on Earth and represents a large part of every main reservoir: Oxygen circulation between reservoirs is facilitated e largely by the presence of free oxygen in the atmosphere. Photosynthesis is the main source of free oxygen in the atmosphere. It produces sugars and free oxygen from carbon dioxide and water. The organisms of photosynthesis include the flora of the lands as well as the phytoplankton of the oceans. The tiny cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus was discovered in 1986 and represents more than half of all photosynthesis in the open sea. 1 Photolysis is an additional source of oxygen. free in the atmosphere, thanks to which high-energy ultraviolet radiation decomposes atmospheric water and nitrous oxide into atoms. The free atoms H and N clarify escape into space and leave O2 in the atmosphere: Breathing and decomposition are the main causes of the loss of free oxygen in the atmosphere, mechanisms by which animal life and bacteria consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The lithosphere also consumes atmospheric free oxygen through chemical alteration and surface reactions. The formation of iron oxides (rust) is an example of the chemistry of surface erosion: oxygen is also recycled between the biosphere and the lithosphere. Marine organisms in the biosphere create oxygen-rich calcium carbonate (CaCO3) envelope material. When the organism dies, its shell settles on the shallow seabed and is buried over time to create the limestone sedimentary rock of the lithosphere. Aging processes initiated by organisms can also release oxygen from the lithosphere. Plants and animals extract mineral nutrients from the rocks and release oxygen during the process. The following tables provide estimates of reservoir capacities and fluxes in the oxygen cycle. These figures are mainly based on (Walker, JCG 2) estimates: Table 2: Annual atmospheric oxygen gains and losses (units of 1010 kg O2 per year) Oxygen presence The atmosphere does not lead to the formation of ozone (O3) and the ozone layer in the stratosphere: The ozone layer is extremely important in modern life because it absorbs

UNIKO₂ helps increase the level of oxygen in the body. It is an incredible source of oxygen and minerals that go directly to the body cells. As a result, the water molecule is dissociated and oxygen is released. In this way, the cells are directly nourished by a constant flow of essential elements for life. UNIKO is “high nutritional technology” in a liquid state, which incorporates our Dibase/Dipolar formula, and is the last source of life that provides oxygen. Due to its liquid, ionic, colloidal state, it reaches every cell of the human body in the most effective way that exists on the market, restoring the balance of our body and fortifying or immune system.

UNIKO₂ Plus Is the safest and most effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic supplement completely natural. Many people suffer from muscle aches, migraines, arthritic pain, rheumatism etc. That’s why UNIKO has designed this formulation base on the dibase/dipolar technology of UNIKO PLUS with the addiction of OMEGA 3 GLUCOSAMINE AND DHEA which is known as the hormone of “health and youth”.

UNISTEM is a cutting-edge product, of the latest category, formulated with ingredients that support the body’s natural renewal system by promoting the release of stem cells derived from bone marrow and considered reinforces of already existing (adult) stem cells. The stem cells derived from the bone marrow are found throughout the body and support the function and renewal of organs and tissues. As you get older, the number and the quantity of stem cells circulating in the body diminish little by little leaving it more susceptible to damage causing many health issues related to age.

Source Of Oxygen

Source Of Oxygen

*Stimulates the immune system. . * Normalizes the circulation and regulates hypertension. *In diabetes by promoting the synthesis of the elastase inhibitor by the pancreas. *In diseases of the arteries by strengthening the blood vessels. *Dilates the aging process of tissues. .*Increases mobility, reducing pain in osteoarthritis, and conditions of sclerosis. *Embellishes the hair giving it shine, elasticity and strength. “Recent studies have shown that the main cause of cancer could be the replacement of normal oxygen respiration in the cells by anaerobic respiration (lack of oxygen)”.

Helps increase the level of oxygen in the body

Helps increase the level of oxygen in the body

Is a cutting-edge product, of the latest category, formulated with ingredients that support the body’s natural renewal system.

After seeing what Uniko was capable of in people of varying ages and illnesses, it became our mission to bring a truly exceptional product into the hands of those who need it most. We believe everybody deserves a chance to live a long healthy life, and we are committed to offering Uniko under the company of Life O at an affordable price to our costumers. Though Uniko has been around for more than 20 years, Uniko Plus and Unistem were added in 2008 and were designed to work together in unison. Uniko itself is not directly healing the disease since the body has been beautifully designed to do that itself. As a supplement, it simply provides the body with the essential building elements required to perform the normal functions necessary to achieve optimum health. Uniko works in a natural way by normalizing and balancing the organism.