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Monday 4 February 2019

Main Source Of Oxygen

Main Source Of Oxygen

The hydrosphere (the combined mass of water found on, under and on the Earth's surface) and the lithosphere / the earthly crust. The main factor determining the oxygen cycle is photosynthesis, which is responsible for the atmosphere of the modern Earth and for life on Earth in its present form (see Grand Évève). oxygenation). The largest oxygen reservoir of the Earth is by far the silicate and mineral oxides of the crust and mantle (99.5% by weight). The Earth's atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere together account for less than 0.05% of the Earth's total mass. Oxygen is one of the most abundant elements on Earth and represents a large part of every main reservoir: Oxygen circulation between reservoirs is facilitated e largely by the presence of free oxygen in the atmosphere. Photosynthesis is the main source of free oxygen in the atmosphere. It produces sugars and free oxygen from carbon dioxide and water. The organisms of photosynthesis include the flora of the lands as well as the phytoplankton of the oceans. The tiny cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus was discovered in 1986 and represents more than half of all photosynthesis in the open sea. 1 Photolysis is an additional source of oxygen. free in the atmosphere, thanks to which high-energy ultraviolet radiation decomposes atmospheric water and nitrous oxide into atoms. The free atoms H and N clarify escape into space and leave O2 in the atmosphere: Breathing and decomposition are the main causes of the loss of free oxygen in the atmosphere, mechanisms by which animal life and bacteria consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The lithosphere also consumes atmospheric free oxygen through chemical alteration and surface reactions. The formation of iron oxides (rust) is an example of the chemistry of surface erosion: oxygen is also recycled between the biosphere and the lithosphere. Marine organisms in the biosphere create oxygen-rich calcium carbonate (CaCO3) envelope material. When the organism dies, its shell settles on the shallow seabed and is buried over time to create the limestone sedimentary rock of the lithosphere. Aging processes initiated by organisms can also release oxygen from the lithosphere. Plants and animals extract mineral nutrients from the rocks and release oxygen during the process. The following tables provide estimates of reservoir capacities and fluxes in the oxygen cycle. These figures are mainly based on (Walker, JCG 2) estimates: Table 2: Annual atmospheric oxygen gains and losses (units of 1010 kg O2 per year) Oxygen presence The atmosphere does not lead to the formation of ozone (O3) and the ozone layer in the stratosphere: The ozone layer is extremely important in modern life because it absorbs

UNIKO₂ helps increase the level of oxygen in the body. It is an incredible source of oxygen and minerals that go directly to the body cells. As a result, the water molecule is dissociated and oxygen is released. In this way, the cells are directly nourished by a constant flow of essential elements for life. UNIKO is “high nutritional technology” in a liquid state, which incorporates our Dibase/Dipolar formula, and is the last source of life that provides oxygen. Due to its liquid, ionic, colloidal state, it reaches every cell of the human body in the most effective way that exists on the market, restoring the balance of our body and fortifying or immune system.

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